Thursday, December 17, 2009

On Eagles Wings

Isaiah 30:31 says, "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagle. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Have you ever been in any tiring work like sports or jobs. Perseverance is always one thing I will keep to myself and giving up is something that should be thrown out. Have you seen basketball players, football players, baseball players or any players in different kind of sports. These people work hard to win. Do you see their actions at the end of a game? You see that they are sweating and tired, but....... they didn't give up. What would you think you should do if you fall? Get up! Now I'm saying that trust in the Lord if you want to fly on eagles wings.

A True Life was Born

John 1:12 says, "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God." When I received Jesus Christ in my life, I felt Him move. The time when I was reborn by God, all I thought was Him, only him. We all know a tree, right? It grows and grows, and bears fruit. This is just like me when I was reborn: I felt that I was planted in the soil, and was watered. I grew and grew, but there was some thorns which means that there a few things that stopped. But, it didn't end there i kept on going because i know that God is faithful. Every time I sing praises I feel emotionally numb, which I know that God is hugging me. All right, my point is when you received Jesus in your life, that's when a true life is born.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Remembrance of Grandpa

In May 2007, my dad and I was watching a show, I saw my grandpa walking by the door, then he fainted for no reason. His head fell first and he got a coma and we led him to his bed. The next day, he was dressing up to go to church but he was so sick and weak he can't go to the church. Then I didn't know what happen next, but he was sent to the hospital and they said that he has problem on his brain. That time, I didn't have time to see my grandpa and a few days he died. He was in a church for a few days and buried him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

About My Grandparents

My grandparents had always been sweet and kind to me. They never yell at you and they don't get mad at you. But sometimes my grandfather yelled at me once. My grandpa is always sweet at me, but the problem is he always drunk every night with his friends. Every night he always asked me to buy alcohol(wine or beer) to drink with his friends at our house near to our gate. But he's been always kind to me. Now about my grandmother who never gets mad to everyone because she's sick. My grandpa has really weak bones, you have to hold her on her hands to walk. She also has her wheelchair, every time she wants to get out of the house. These are the parents of my mom. The parents of my dad died so early, so I didn't have time to see them. But still I had a great time with my grandparents

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The beginning of life

When I was a kid around 5-9 years old, I used to be bully. I have some bad and bully friends whose older than me. It all started in the Philippines, in my neighborhood the kids were around 10-15 years old including my cousins. They became my friends because those were the only kikds that I can play with, then that friendship lasted for a long time. Some of my cousins lived there but some don't. At first, I know they were bully, but sometimes they are fun. We used to play many games that time. The games were really exciting and fun. But then, when we started growing up, the place became a boring place, because there were no kids playing there. We got tired of playing those games, so we decided to stop. Well, we really didn't stop, we just like don't play everday. All of my friends then were really grown up. That time the place was never happy except when there's a party.