Thursday, December 17, 2009

A True Life was Born

John 1:12 says, "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God." When I received Jesus Christ in my life, I felt Him move. The time when I was reborn by God, all I thought was Him, only him. We all know a tree, right? It grows and grows, and bears fruit. This is just like me when I was reborn: I felt that I was planted in the soil, and was watered. I grew and grew, but there was some thorns which means that there a few things that stopped. But, it didn't end there i kept on going because i know that God is faithful. Every time I sing praises I feel emotionally numb, which I know that God is hugging me. All right, my point is when you received Jesus in your life, that's when a true life is born.

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